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Over the last 10 years, dosens of clinical studies have concluded that cupping leads to a decrease in muscle activity, resulting in pain reduction, reduced inflamation, and accelerated rate of recovery with safe and consistent use. VITAHEAL™ reported even better results from consumer-based testing

  • Synergized 4 clinically-proven therapy modules for max effectiveness

  • Fast and efficient treatments that are typically 15 minutes of less.

  • Convenient treatments enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.

  • Save money by replacing clinical treatment for similar or better results.

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How It Works:
VITAHEAL™ combines 4 clinically-proven therapy modules to relieve muscle tension and encourage blood circulation. Effectively improving muscle healing and alleviating pain, VITAHEAL™ stimulates the chemical breakdown of any toxins inside the body, and decreases inflammation allowing for a wider range of motion across joints and muscle groups in addition to improved recovery.


VITAHEAL Vs Traditional Cupping

The fine-tuned pinnacle of cupping therapy, made convenient.

  • Convenient treatments enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.

  • Fast and efficient treatments that are typically 15 minutes or less.

  • Synergized 4 clinically-proven therapy modules for max effectiveness.

  • Save money by replacing clinical treatments with VITAHeal™ for similar or better results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Is VITAHEAL Cupping Therapy safe?

Yes! Our devices feature timed releases to avoid overuse along with a single-press instant release incase the pressure is bothersome.

Each cupper also comes with a built-in heating aunit that reaches temperatures as high as 50°C (122°F) without any flames! However, please note that if you suffer from any health confitions or utilize medical devices, you may want to consult with your physician before undergoing any kind of therapy, cupping included.

Are they easy to use at home, by yourself?

Our devices are safe, self-applicable, intuitive right out the box, and very easy to apply to enjoy a healthy therapy session from home.

Featuring four buttons to control all the beneficial functions of our cuppers, VITAHEAL Smart Cupping Therapy is simple, the most effective at-home remedy for relieving tension and promoting long-term health.

Should I use several devices at the same time?

To maximize your session's benefits, we suggest applying several of our devices for simultaneous function, saving time and enhancing the effectiveness of the session.

This is why we have introduced deeper savings with larger quantity purchases!

Will it hurt or damage my skin?

With several levels of intensity, you are able to adjust the suction, massage, and heating power of our devices with east to help you become comfortable with our devices at low levels before progressing.

Starting at a low level is most optimal for beginners and does not hurt or cause permanext skin damage. However, with extended use, you may notice the classic red circle bruises on your skin, this is temporary and indicates the effectiveness of our devices.

These marks will gradually disappear within a few days and they are nothing to worry about! Just be sure to properly sanitize before each session and avoid using on broken skin (cuts, open wounds, etc.)